søndag 6. juni 2010

Nesnakroken i kveldsol

Det nærmer seg midnatt på tokt til Bodø.

26 kommentarer:

Elettra sa...

Hi Hanneka,well done

Ma. Soledad Córdoba sa...

Hi, beautiful pictures. Nice blog.

OnSéKe sa...

Muy Bonitas tus fotos!!! supongo que tambien están en Panoramio, si no estan alli deberían estarlo. Felicitaciones!!!

Anne sa...

En helt vidunderlig solnedgang :-)

God helg til deg

Berit sa...

Vakre bilder:)

Unknown sa...

nice photo. I like the contrast in the forms of the building and the sea. it's an interesting photo for sure. =)

Unknown sa...

Flott bilde!

Enterrement de vie de célibataire sa...

Cette photo est incroyable presque irréelle. superbe.


Houa sa...

Really beautifully pictures!!i hope you can keep on taking picture like this in the future...--
http://www.myspace.com/you_cant_fade_me --- this is something something for everybody including you to check out..listen and feel it. it's there. understand it. no question. just believe. no lie. just know you can trust

Anonym sa...

I am from Spain.
¡Wonderfull pictures!

Anonym sa...

I really love your photographs!

marina sa...

do you need help?you have a problem? than write me your problem and i will answer you! [ you can also write in english!]

maaii sa...

Love your boat´s pics!

Anonym sa...

The Biggest PORTAL for you



sebi_2569 sa...

nice photo,bravo

G4þRI€L sa...

nice blog!!
beautifull photos!!
From Buenos Aires, Argentina

www.kunsthafen.blogspot.com sa...

thanks for the nice blog!

Talita sa...

Beautiful pictures.

usaving sa...

Really beautiful pictures.


Ania sa...

This is nice blog and post

Lea sa...

wow, you've got very beautiful pictures, good work.
greetings from germany ;)

amr mettwally abd elhafeez sa...

that picture is really impressed
i like it
i hope you add multi languge tool to your blog
i suggest you see an example at my blog and do not miss my blogging techniques articles

Achim sa...

Gute Bilder

jelly beans sa...

this is really beautiful!

Sarmite Stendere sa...

Meget flot!
Very beautiful pictures:)

kostas sa...

Fantastic image!