torsdag 31. juli 2008


If you want to see more Sky Watch Photos see Tom’s SWF blogg.

søndag 27. juli 2008

lørdag 19. juli 2008

18.07.08 / Fra Sjonfjellet

Her kan vi se Lovund og Træna lengst ute, og lag på lag med skyer.
Here we can see the island Lovund to the left and Træna to the right, far out in the sea.
This is on my way home from town and the sky makes a drifferent view every time I pass here.

18.07.08 / Ranfjorden

torsdag 17. juli 2008

Sky watch friday

It’s been raining a week now, but today when I was on the ferry the sun came. So together with a lot of tourist I was on the deck taking photos.
If you want to see more Sky Watch Photos see Tom’s SWF blogg.
Thank you for your kind comments on my sky watch photo last week. I hope I got the time to see all your photos this week too.

torsdag 10. juli 2008

Sky watch friday

Sky Watch Friday from Rødøy

Last week I saw all Sky Watch photos on
list and there was so many beautiful photos.

Tank you for all kind comments on my last Sky Watch Post
and have a nice Sky Watch Friday all of you.

onsdag 9. juli 2008

Utsikt fra Gjessøya / View from Gjessøya

Hvis vi kunne se polarsirkelen ville den vært på dette bilde. / If we could see the Artic circle it would be on this photo.

tirsdag 8. juli 2008

lørdag 5. juli 2008

torsdag 3. juli 2008

Sky watch friday

Hurtigruten - The World's Most Beautiful Voyage

MS Polarlys is one of the 11 ship’s that sails along the Norwegian coast.
Every day of the year, a ship leaves Bergen on the 11-day voyage from Bergen to Kirkenes and back. And two times every day a ship calls Nesna port, where I live.
MS Polarlys was built in 1996 and can take 737 passengers, 35 cars and she is 123 meter long. If you want to experience Norway’s beautiful fjords, coastline and the midnight sun a journey with Hurtigruten is to recommend.
Go to Tom for more sky watch photos and thank you for all comments on my last Sky Watch Friday Photos. And I hope you understand my bad English.